Author: excursor tim
”What to expect from the weather forcast” becomes the most important piece of information lately. We worry if the rain will spoil a planned open-air event or will the snow destroy our blooming fruit trees.
And the heat! The prediction of high temperature forces us to rethink whether we really need to leave the air-conditioned flat.
How often do You think about the weather?
Daily speculations about the weather revolve around questions like should we take an umbrella before leaving the house, how to dress appropriately, is it going to be sunny this weekend and for some, the most important – will we have white Christmas this year.
Are you also starting your day by searching for a weather forecast on your smartphone? Do you think that weather affects your mood? Do you find yourself to be meteoropathic person, maybe even a weather forecast addict, or none of the above?
Weather forecast addiction is well known in Croatia because we have numerous sayings, describing each possible weather outcome for every season, every month even. One of our legendary TV meteorologists, Milan Sijerković, used to delight us with such sayings for years.
Zagreb at noon
If you go for a day stroll in Zagreb, don’t let the weather forecast dictate your mood. Explore the charm of the city center with its numerous cafes luring with their interior. Enough about the weather, let’s talk about time. If you find yourself at Ban Jelačić Square at noon, don’t be intimidated by the sudden cannon shot that usually scares away all the pigeons and occasional tourists.
This is just another Zagreb city landmark: the Grič cannon firing from the Lotrščak Tower, thus marking the noon every day, since 1st of January 1877, for 142 years now, every single day. According to the legend, the shooting was so unexpected and terrible that it drove the Turks outside the walls and the city remained unconquered. But, believe us, it’s not so scary – if you expect it. 🙂
Cannons and gunners changed over time, but the custom remained as did Grič where the Zagreb Observatory is located, and also the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service is stationed, the one which records daily meteorological values on which the weather forecast for Zagreb and the surrounding area is predicted.
In Croatia, we enjoy a temperate climate zone, but if the unexpected weather conditions surprise you, don’t be disappointed. Instead of dissatisfaction, embrace the Norwegian saying about the weather as your philosophy: ‘There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing!’