
TOP 5 stvari u Zagrebu zimi

Autor: excursor tim

Hrvatska obala odlično je mjesto za odmor tijekom ljeta, a kada dođe zima, Zagreb postaje idealno mjesto za posjetiti. Donosimo vam naš izbor pet stvari koje morate obavezno napraviti/posjetiti ako u prosincu ili siječnju dođete u Zagreb.

Čarolija adventa

Svake godine sve bolji i bolji advent. Već tri godine zaredom osvojio je titulu „Best Christmas market in Europe“. Naravno, riječ je o Adventu u Zagrebu. Zato, pripremite najtopliju odjeću i obuću i krenite putem adventa. Krećemo od glavnog kolodvora, odnosno Trga kralja Tomislava, gdje vas čeka Ledeni park, veliko klizalište. Možete donijeti svoje klizaljke ili ih unajmiti, a dok čekate vaš termin možete provjeriti što nude štandovi oko klizališta. Nakon klizanja, krenite prema Trgu bana Josipa Jelačića, no stanite na pola puta, na Strossmayerovom trgu (Fuliranju) i na Zrinjevcu. Na obje lokacije vas čeka glazba, mnogo hrane i pića te  vrlo ugodna atmosfera. Obavezno prođite Marićevim prolazom prema hotelu Dubrovnik, tamo vas čeka predivna šetnja osvijetljenom „šumom“. Na Cvjetnom trgu, Trgu bana Josipa Jelačića i Europskom trgu možete pronaći mnogo štandova s finom hranom, od krpica sa zeljem do popularnih germ knedla, i, naravno, nezaobilazno kuhano vino. Na Gornjem gradu vas čeka Caffe de Matoš, uređen kao stare kavane, sa zabavom uličnih bendova, plesača i komičara. Malo dalje je Advent na Strossu gdje su  svakodnevni koncerti, velik izbor pića (npr. kuhani gin) te prekrasan pogled na Zagreb. Silaskom sa Strossa, završite turu zagrebačkim adventom prolaskom kroz tunel Grič gdje vas čeka neka potpuno drugi svijet, a sve, naravno, ukrašeno lampicama.

Uživajte u prirodi

Prošećite prirodom ili, ako ima snijega, otiđite na skijanje i sanjkanje na najpopularnije zagrebačko izletište Sljeme. Nekoliko različitih težina staza možda je baš ono što će zadovoljiti vaše skijaške potrebe. A Bijela livada zadovoljit će potrebe djece, i onih koji se tako osjećaju, velikim prostorom za sanjkanje. Ugrijte se kuhanim vinom ili čajem i nadopunite energiju domaćim specijalitetima u nekim od restorana na vrhu Medvednice.

Jedna od najposjećenijih ulica u Zagrebu

Ukoliko ste zainteresirani za noćne izlaske, svakako posjetite Tkalčićevu ulicu. U ovoj ulici punoj kafića, barova i restorana sigurni smo da ćete pronaći neki po vašem ukusu. A, ako ste pak veliki avanturist, probajte Tkalča crawl, odnosno popiti nešto kratko u svakom kafiću od vrha Tkalče do Trga bana Josipa Jelačića. 🙂

Tradicionalni recepti

Purica s mlincima, štrukli, krpice sa zeljem ili pak sarma, sve su to tradicionalna hrvatska jela  u ovom hladnom razdoblju. Možete ih pronaći na adventskim štandovima, u tradicionalnom ili pak nekom modernijem obliku, ili u nekim od mnogih restorana u centru Zagreba i šire.

Popodne uz lampice

Sat vremena od Zagreb čeka vas Božićna priča obitelji Salaj. Prošećite kroz 5 milijuna lampica različitih boja i oblika, pratite puteljak koji vas vodi kroz različite priče i pogledajte predivan vatromet koji vas čeka svaki dan. Na imanju obitelji Salaj možete pronaći i gastronomsku ponudu te kupiti pokoji suvenir.

When You say unforgettable memories… We say… excursor

Cookies and similar technologies

We use cookies and similar technologies on our website to save, read out and process information on your device. In doing so, we enhance your experience, analyze site traffic and show you content and ads that interest you. User profiles are created across websites and devices for this purpose. Our partners use these technologies as well.

By selecting "Only Required", you only accept cookies that make our website function properly. "Accept All" means that you allow access to information on your device and the use of all cookies for analytics and marketing purposes by Combis d.o.o and our partners. Your data might then be transferred to countries outside the European Union where we cannot ensure the same level of data protection as in the EU (see Art. 49 (1) a GDPR). Under "Settings", you can specify everything in detail and change your consent at any time.

Find more information in the Privacy Policy and Partner List.

Settings for cookies and similar technologies

We use cookies and similar technologies on our website to save, read out and process information on your device. Our partners use these technologies as well. We and our partners can only use these technologies for analytics and marketing purposes with your consent.

Please use the switches to set your consent and revoke it at any time. You can always open the current page from the footer of our website.

Additional information on consent for data transfers to non-EU countries

Your consent is also the basis for data transfers to non-EU countries (Art. 49 (1) a GDPR). Combis d.o.o. cannot ensure the same level of data protection as in the EU. There is a possibility, for example, that local authorities may have access to your data. Exercising your data protection rights may also be restricted. If you want to know more, please read our information on data processing in non-EU countries and our list of partners.


Basic website functionality

These cookies are always active and necessary for our website to function properly.

Combis analytics

These cookies help us improve our understanding of user behavior.

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We use cookies and analytics technologies to get a better understanding of how our website is used. They help us optimize our digital services. For example, we can determine how many people visit our website or a particular service. They are also useful for statistical evaluations that show us how people use our digital services. The analysis is based on pseudonymous information.

Partner List

Combis marketing

We use these cookies to show you personalized ads and content that is relevant to you.

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Cookies and similar marketing technologies ensure that you only see ads that match your interests instead of random ads. We also use marketing technologies to check how well users receive an advertisement. This helps us constantly improve our advertising.

Marketing technologies are also used on the websites of our advertising partners. This is called retargeting. It enables us to show you suitable advertising on other sites as well.

With the help of marketing technologies, we create pseudonymous profiles about the content and ads you view. This information helps us understand what interests you. It also enables us to show you relevant advertising on other websites.

If you are logged in to a website, information about your previous purchases, selected tariffs, options and contract renewals is also included in the creation of advertising profiles. This is done by comparing various IDs with the encrypted e-mail address you use when you log in.

Some of the data is supplemented with socio-demographic information (such as gender, decade of age and zip code) and used for analyses, retargeting and to display personalized content and offers on Combis d.o.o and other websites. Our partners also use this data for their own purposes, e.g. by merging this data with their own data.

If you provide your cookie consent, we also take into account pseudonymized information from your contracts to display personalized offers on Combis d.o.o and other websites. This information is assigned to your user data via a cookie or e-mail hash.

Partner List

Analytics through partners

These cookies help us and our partners improve services.

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We use cookies and similar technologies on our websites to help us improve our services. These technologies are also used by our partners who offer their services independently or under joint responsibility with Combis d.o.o.

Data and information are transmitted to partners for analysis purposes, and sometimes also processed there for the partners' own analysis purposes and merged with third- party data. This means that information about your use of the digital service is collected and processed to better understand and improve our products and offers.

Partner List

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We and our partners use cookies and similar marketing technologies to serve personalized advertising. Some of our partners act independently or in joint controllership with Combis d.o.o. They use these technologies to collect data for marketing purposes. The data can be used for the partners' advertising purposes, processed further and combined with data from other sources.

When you use our website, we create a profile. This helps us show you ads on other websites that are tailored to your interests. We also measure the effectiveness of this advertising and collect further information about your online behavior.

Partner List